Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day 289: Sometimes a View From the Sidewalk is Just Fine
Day 288: This Might be the Worst Ever, but Like You, I Ignore Most of my Good Ideas
Do you ever wonder if you’ve ever had a brilliant thought or idea that could have made you a million dollars as an invention, story, movie or business venture? Our minds are continuously processing information and churning out ideas, but we either don’t acknowledge them or we don’t realize what we have. What if the only thing separating you from whatever tool invented the Swiffer is actually paying attention to yourself?
I did not want to write my blog tonight. I don’t feel like it, I have a headache and I have no new ideas. What sucks, is that I write anywhere from 2-6 blogs a day in my head. I’m constantly finding new ideas and fleshing them out mentally, but then I forget. Once I give birth to an idea and work through it, for some reason rather than retain it, my mind simply checks it off as complete and lets it fade away. As a writer and someone who swears the only things standing between a blockbuster novel and my current life is laziness it pisses me off to realize how many good ideas or stories I might be ignoring day after day.
Everything started out as just an idea that someone took time to develop and understand and sell as viable to someone else. What makes your ideas any less valid? Maybe you should have your own talk show or sports column or “bump-it.” What makes some people think, yeah, the Chia Pet is a fantastic idea and go to the trouble of developing and marketing such a thing when the rest of us think, “Hmm, someone should really invent a stocking cap with a hole in it for my ponytail.” Do we not value ourselves enough to give credence to the possibly golden ideas that we turn over in our congested brains?
I have so many blog ideas and so many book ideas, but only a few ever really make it to the page because I do not take the time out of my day to give them serious consideration. Maybe that’s what makes the difference. Maybe people who are in charge are the people that never worry if their ideas are stupid or impossible. Maybe they just throw it out there and expect others to help find a way to make it work. I guess you have to value yourself before others will value you and that is the bigger picture. I cannot tell you how many times when I was in school or playing trivia I know the answer but don’t say it because I don’t want to be wrong.
We are all too afraid of failure and I think it holds us back. Rather than spend time every day writing that novel, I write here, in my little self-absorbed space where I dare people to judge me, but don’t have to acknowledge that I care. Many of you have great ideas, I’ve read them or seen them. The only thing separating you from people that are making money at utilizing the same idea is the fact that they did it first, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it better. Who says I can’t turn my blogs into a career. This is my own personal writing portfolio and while some may suck (like this one) others might have enough merit and promise to springboard a writing career. Who cares if the Snuggie was already invented, I bet one of you had a similar idea only better that you laughed off. Our brains aren’t just thinking for the hell of it, there is a purpose and a potential there that we are under utilizing because we’re lazy and embarrassed.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Day 287: Saying Goodbye to a Dear, Toxic Friend. I'll Miss You Aspartame
There are 92 known side effects from consuming the artificial sweetener aspartame, the worst of which is death. I have over 30 of them. Symptoms include everything from problems wearing contacts to memory loss to joint pain to serious diseases like Alzheimer’s, ALS or MS. Aspartame was denied by the FDA eight times, EIGHT before some creative lobbying and personnel shifting got it approved. Oh, and it was approved for soft drinks despite the fact that the National Soft Drink Association wanted to wait for more tests. If you don’t know where I’m going with this, I’ll tell you outright. Aspartame is some badass shit that has apparently been screwing with my health for years and yet I can’t seem to say no.
I love Diet Coke. I’ve never been one of those people that drink tons of soda all day long, but I always have at least one Diet Coke, or these days Cherry Zero, once a day. It picks me up, fills me up and makes me feel like I’ve indulged in a treat. Apparently, it may also be the reason for my restless legs, sleep issues, memory loss, dizziness, joint pain, and weight gain – just to name a few of my own symptoms. Up until now I’ve known it was rumored to be bad for you, but without serious and condemning proof I assumed it must be safe enough. Well, it’s not and I’m a jackass. There are support groups for victims of aspartame poisoning, websites devoted to spreading the word, lawsuits past and pending and a litany of other examples of how this has been going on for decades and I was too busy sucking down my next fix to notice.
What if all your problems could miraculously go away? What if bloating, hypothyroidism, hair loss and decreased night vision, and constipation were all just symptoms of your addiction to diet drinks sweetened with aspartame? Are we that lazy as a species that we’d rather risk symptoms like frickin’ death just to enjoy a diet soda? Um, yeah, looks like we probably are. I’m trying so hard to kick my addiction and this week I managed to limit to one small soda a day and even skipped a day entirely. The withdrawal process can be difficult and that, in and of itself, should be a warning bell. When was the last time you heard someone say they were addicted to nasty ass brussel sprouts? Never! You know why, because good, whole foods do not cause addiction. Chemicals cause addiction and sugary, processed and artificially sweetened foods are chock full of chemicals that fuck with your head and body.
I’m trying to make all these positive changes and while I tried to quit soda last week, it didn’t take. Well, now that I’ve read some of this stuff I think I’ve finally made that connection. What’s the point of working out, eating healthy, cutting out sugar and processed foods only to keep a toxic substance routinely in my system? It’s like going through all the training, putting on the protective gear, parachute pack and jumping without actually bringing the parachute itself. Good health is an all or nothing game. Healthy eating only to sit on your ass all day isn’t going to help nor is working out all the time without good nutrition. Ever seen those muscle heads at the gym. They show up every day pound heavy weights for an hour or two, but instead of looking cut and bulked up like, say Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson, they look like the Michelin man, all fat and lumpy.
So here it is, my blog to announce I am officially off diet soda. I have drank my last artificially sweetened beverage of any kind. If I break down and feel I must have the Coke, I’m going full sugar. I have a feeling that too many bouts with chemical and fructose-laden soda will have an adverse affect on the beltline and that is always the best motivator. True, headaches are a symptom of caffeine withdrawal, but I’ll combat those with green tea or even coffee (Mmm, skinny vanilla soy latte – wait, I bet those sugar free syrups are loaded with crap. Aw, crap!) The point is, I made the connection and now I’m going to act on it. I don’t want to be healthy through diet only to develop brain lesions or a nervous system disorder. Goodbye beloved Cherry Zero, you were a bright star while you shined, but you’ve gone a bit dim so I’m moving on. Hopefully with all the memory loss I’ve been experiencing I’ll remember.Sunday, March 14, 2010
Day 286: Blame the Internet Because Your Kid's a Fuckwit
There was a local news story tonight about a 16-year-old girl who began an internet relationship with an almost 40-year-old man. Their relationship escalated to a point that the man came to her home, cut off her ankle monitoring device and then took her back to his home (I’m sorry, but I have to mention that it is a trailer) where they had sex and then. The man then refused to let her leave for a week until she finally was able to sneak a text message to her Aunt who called the police. The moral to this story, according to the news anchor was that parents need to more closely monitor their children’s internet communications. While I believe that it is very important for parents to limit and monitor I also call bullshit on this particular stories and others like it.
We all know that teenagers do not make smart decisions. We know this because we were all once teens and we were stupid, stupid, stupid. Teenagers should not have access to adult influences like pornography, chat rooms, Nip/Tuck, violent video games and movies and on and on. Unfortunately, we live in the real world and kids have access to whatever the hell they want and parents are left scrambling to stay one step ahead of them. It sounds hopeless, but the solution is to raise better quality people and the trick to doing that is to wait to be parents until we are actually financially and emotionally prepared. Parenting takes time, more than I’m willing to devote, clearly.
This story bugs me because it’s not just an example of a good kid who got a little carried away online and got involved in something she wasn’t ready for and didn’t quite know how to extricate herself from. There are lots of those kids out there too, I’m sure, but this girl took it too far, and let us not forget the very important clue to her possibly negligent parentage, she had a police ordered ankle monitor! She’s 16! I’m not blaming all parents for all bad things kids do, but I’m almost doing that. If we paid more attention to the children we have, by doing things like, making family meals a priority, talking about school, monitoring homework, making time to just play with them, maybe we would not have a generation of kids so lonely for one-on-one human contact that they go online to find it with some greasy, pedophile in a beer stained t-shirt.
Clearly this kid fell through the cracks at home. At sixteen years old she is already in trouble with the law. She not only made contact with a man more than twice her age, she let him come to her home, left with him and had sex at his home. This girl is a mess and it’s not because she had unmonitored access to the internet, she was lost long before this. No this one is on her parents, her teachers, her counselors, anyone who had contact with her and failed to MAKE MEANINGFUL CONTACT WITH HER. We blame the internet the way we used to blame rock music or video games. Kids do stupid and bad things because they feel alone and more than anything they want to be part of something. The Trenchcoat Mafia Columbine killers did not grow up to be murderers, they were normal kids who someone lost along the way and they were left to try to find themselves and unfortunately when kids are left to their own devices they very often make the wrong and dangerous choices.
Let’s stop blaming the access to the internet and put the blame where it truly belongs on the fact that too many kids do not have access to their parents. I’m making the decision not to have children because although a part of me wants them and I believe I’d be a great Mom, I also know that I don’t want to give up my time for someone else. I get to be selfish with my time because I am an adult without dependents relying on me. When you become a parent, you don’t get to be selfish anymore. Once you give your kids time, love and respect and you know they feel that, then you can begin to be a little selfish because you’ve done your job and those kids know they are a priority. When your child logs on to the internet for more than to exercise innocent curiosity (about sex, relationships, etc.) it’s a good bet you fucked up. Turn off your job, turn off your TV, turn off your social life, and turn off your kid’s computer until you have tuned back in to their lives.