Anyone who knows me well knows that I am plagued with constant neck and shoulder tension as well as frequent headaches. Regular visits to the chiropractor are the only thing that actually succeeds in helping the headaches, but it is massage that makes me salivate. It doesn’t much matter who you are, after years of chronic pain, I am not so particular about who’s doing the shoulder massaging, so long as it’s getting done. When the husband is not vacationing in war zones he rubs me on an almost daily basis. I came to depend on these mini-sessions and would often lounge about complaining of sore shoulders hoping he’d take the bait, rather than outright nagging him. (A blog on my manipulation skills and passive aggressiveness is forthcoming.) All in all, we had a pretty good routine going, but then he left and I began to seek out professional assistance. Upon deep reflection, I realize that I am a massage whore, but honestly, I’m okay with that.
These days I find it difficult to survive without a semi-frequent massage and since the husband is not around I am forced to pay for a professional’s touch. Until recently I never stopped to notice that the only real stipulation I have is that the therapist be female. I did not avoid being massaged by male therapists for any reason other than that I thought it would seem slightly skanky on my part to specifically ask for a male. It has never been an issue until recently, when the only deep tissue therapist available during a particularly nasty headache was a dude.
Steven began normally enough, but after replying “you can’t hurt me” to his question about whether or not he was using too much pressure, things got a little weird. At first, I began to relax and really enjoy the massage. The experience of having a man’s hands touching me in a slightly intimate way resulted in my body reflexively softening and I began to believe that each stroke of my skin was somehow more personal than it should have been. This feeing of intimacy and slight arousal did not make me nervous at first. No, for a while, I was ready to throw off the towel and writhe about in my best Elizabeth Berkley overacting impersonation, open to experiencing the joys of a happy ending firsthand (no pun intended).
I felt this way, that is, until he began to speak. Utilizing his best low, soothing voice, Steven informed me that he was about to “take it deeper now.” The low lights of the massage room, cheesy jazz guitar soundtrack, and aromatherapy were clearly getting to me, because for a moment this statement did not make me want to laugh out loud. It was not until Steven asked, “do you want me to go really deep,” that I started to extract myself from the hazy glow of massage-gasm. Do I want you to go really deep? I’m going to take it deeper now? What the . . .? At this point, I got a little spooked, mostly at my own fantasy moments before, and began working to break the quiet by asking random questions about cool places in town and his life.
It turned out to be an informative day. I found out that Thomas Street Tavern is a cool, eclectic bar to hang out in, Yoga One is the best studio in the city, and that his girlfriend is a 23 year-old who likes to call him Daddy. Suffice it to say that I’ve gone back to female therapists or homeless guys. You may have to deal with stories of their divorce or the struggle to find quality corrugated housing, but the massage part is pretty cut and dry. When you’re a massage whore like me, you’ll take it where you can get it, but you don’t always feel good about yourself afterward. For that reason, it’s best just to avoid those situations whenever possible. The husband will be home in five months, hopefully he’ll be up for “taking it really deep.”
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