Why do some people get headaches and others get nothing? Or if they do get headaches, they get the kind that go away as soon as an OTC painkiller is ingested. Not me, I get nagging, last all day (sometimes two or three) migraines, tension and hangover headaches. I don’t think I’ve ever taken an aspirin in my life that actually made a dent in the pain without ice packs, muscle relaxers, prescription drugs, and as many hours of sleep as I can stand.
The headache started yesterday, but it came and went, today it finally came on full force and I am in about hour ten of what will likely be an all day migraine tomorrow. I am just beginning to feel the nausea that accompanies the bad ones, so hopefully the meds will kick in shortly and I will sleep through some of it. Headaches make me grouchy. I frequently get angry at Jeff for asking what he can do to help or conversely, angry at him for not offering to help. Pain brings out the best in people.
This year I have been on my own with the pain since Jeff is in Iraq, but don’t think I’ve cut him any slack. Oh no, each headache I have had since he’s been gone has prompted me to feel irrational anger at him for not being here to get me ice or rub my neck. By the time he finally does come home I will have a year’s worth of headache anger to rain down on him.
I’ve said it before, he’s a lucky, lucky man. I’m a real keeper.
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