So many things in our daily lives have their roots in childhood or adolescent fantasies. What we do with our money is simply a matter of choice. You can buy your lunch, a sweater, or even a beer. Money when we are young is something we have to be given, or else earn and even when you do earn it, it's not really yours. An allowance has some stipulations. For instance, it is understood that you will not spend your entire allowance on candy, even though you'd like to. Once you get a job you have some financial freedom, but even if the agreement states that if you earn the money you can buy the car, we knew back then there were still limitations. You could not, for instance, should your part-time gig at the movie theater and paper route pay off in a big way, buy a super fast or obscurely foreign car. Your parents will likely direct your automobile purchase towards a family approved option. Fords were big back in the day.
As adults, we simply live and that is often difficult enough, but as kids so much of our lives are dictated by others or inexperience. You eventually get your license and even a car, but you still have to pay attention to your surroundings when you drive. Every turn, every lane change, every parking situation requires attention to do properly. Once you get older, you drive for 20 years and suddenly realize you've driven on autopilot through downtown traffic because it’s just another day. What is normal to us now, was just a pipe-dream back then.
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