Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 304: Find Your Joy

Have you ever forgotten what you love? Life gets complicated and busy and we rush from task to task and planned “recreational activity. We think we’re living life to its fullest, but sometimes what we are doing for fun isn’t actually what we love.  I don’t know how it happens, and it’s not like we forget, we just sort of lose sight of how much we love something. Until, that is, we find it again and that glorious feeling of rediscovery and joy washes over us almost as if we’ve found it for the first time.

It doesn’t matter what it is. We all have different passions, but whatever yours is, I’m willing to bet you don’t get to enjoy it enough. How is it that we can love something and get so much happiness from simply experiencing it and yet we don’t make it a priority? If love is supposed to be the most important thing of all, why do we only consider that to be an emotion we reserve for people? Would we not all be more fulfilled if we made time to enjoy those acts that bring us the most happiness? Furthermore, can we even be completely happy if we devote all our time to our loved ones and ignore the experiences we love?

I know this blog doesn’t make much sense, which is fitting because either does joy, really. Think about it. Why does one thing make you happy and another doesn’t? Why do you love one person over another? Love is an enigma and it doesn’t matter if it’s a person or a hobby we’re talking about. What does matter is that you do it. Fight for your love, pursue it, envelope yourself in it, and ride it out as long as you can. Allow yourself to feel joy, be giddy, be childlike, be enthusiastic, because life is shorter than you think. 

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