Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 343: Don't Let the Facts Fool You, I'm Not Housewife Material

I have been living a lie and it is slowly killing me. These last two years I have moved three times and been mostly unemployed. From all outside appearances, I am the thing I was never meant to be: I am a housewife. Gasp! Now before you all start jumping down my throat about being judgmental again, let me clarify that I am not insinuating that housewifery is bad, just that I am not suited for that role in the least.

First off, I’m bad at it. I hate to clean and rarely do it. Consequently, there is no five second rule in my house. If you drop it, it will likely be covered in cat hair so I don’t recommend putting it in your mouth, in fact, picking it up at all is somewhat optional. I like clutter and despite my recent determination to achieve that empty backpack, I am still living the life of a 18-piece mismatched set of luggage. I don’t have any children, which is usually a prerequisite for the housewives club and finally, I’m not really gossipy, garden-friendly, or fond of The View.

I like having someplace to go in the mornings. That wonderful feeling of accomplishment when you’ve put in a long day or finished a big project is something laundry just does not give me. I like having lunch at the office or drinks after work. I even miss my morning commute – though I will admit that the current commute of padding from bed to kitchen in PJ’s and slippers is pretty awesome. Still, I miss the purpose of work outside the home and the built-in excuse for why the house isn’t clean. (Too busy! Rough week at work! I consider the office my home!)

All this wouldn’t be so terrible if it weren’t for the fact that I have traced my current housewife status to the reason I am so cranky and depressed of late. It hit me with all the subtlety of Ann Coulter’s penis envy, I hate being a housewife and I’m taking it out on everyone I know. It may come as no surprise to you that I have a certain gift for being a bitch. What can I say, I go with what I know. Anyway, after practically eviscerating the husband via an ill-timed phone conversation Friday I started to trace back over what is happening in my life and I finally figured it out.

Shockingly, even after a year of self-immersion via this blog, copious amounts of wine, scotch and Jack, and more alone time than even I ever wanted I still didn’t really see it coming. Up until now, I contented myself with the belief that a job offer would come any day now. Well, that just isn’t really happening. Temp jobs and freelance gigs do not a career make and the reality is, like it or not, I’m a damn housewife. I even bake and take my treats into the husband’s office. I might as well don and apron and Tivo “Army Wives.”

Though I guess it’s not too late. I have identified and admitted the problem after all, so a cure should be just around the corner, right? Well, considering that a cure will require a full-time job offer, maybe not, but if I stay alert and understand why I am moody and acting out maybe I can overcome this affliction. My greatest fear is that I will wake up in five years to discover that I actually enjoy cleaning and that nothing pleases me more than knowing my darling husband sincerely enjoyed tonight’s dinner. Never mind, I don’t really think that’s a possibility, my excessive four-letter vocabulary doesn’t really shout Domestic Goddess, more like “fucking clean it up yourself!” You can’t change your nature and the housewife just isn’t in mine.


  1. Why such a preoccupation with labels? Do you define yourself from the inside out or the outside in? I have a lot of hats, lately some new ones that would scare off many. Stay-home-mom (except I'm rarely home...though that is changing more with the newest label...) homeschooling mom. I'm a vegan and I practice yoga, yet I drive a suburban and qualify four times over as a soccer mom. I participate in Catholicism if only for the simple benefits of community, ritual and rites of passage for the children, yet I know and love several Wiccans (read witches) and I fully accept their prayers (or spells...whatever gets you conncected). I'm pretty, and when I dress up and keep my mouth shut, I make a nice arm piece for the corporate husband, politely smiling and intelligently commenting in appropriate five-word-or-less politically correct phrases that communicate absolutely nothing. Yet I'm getting a new tattoo, I cuss like a trucker, and am fine with my kids doing the same as long as they are grammatically correct and socially appropriate. I can also drink you under the table, and live my life like the party doesn't stop because this might be it.

    I'm a housewife only because I live in a house and own a husband. I too hate to clean (that's why God sent shit, that's her name). Nothing that falls on my floor is safe to eat. We might be singing KumBaYah, and we might be singing "I Kissed a Girl and I liked it". I'm not afraid to admit that it makes me extremely happy to know my husband, four kids and three dogs (or some combo therein) liked my meal. That doesn't make me anything but one hell of a cook.

  2. Wait. I live with a husband and own a house. Better?
