Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 365: The End . . . and a New Beginning for Two More Blogs

So this is it. Day 365 is finally here and I feel . . . well, a little anti-climatic actually. I’m not healed or un-crazy. Life isn’t going 100 percent my way and there are still tons of things about myself that I need to work on to be healthy and happy. All that aside, what I am most focused on is the fact that there are so many things happening in the world today that I want to comment on and discuss. While the main intent of the blog might have been to focus myself on me, a side benefit was that it gave me an outlet to express my sometimes over-exuberant opinions on political and social issues. So I have decided there is no reason to stop.

My year of self-examination might be over, but I am going to continue the blog on a semi-frequent basis to see what I can stir up. I love hearing from you on your beliefs and lifestyles and I love even more telling you what I think. The narcissist in me demands a platform and since no one is smart enough to hire me to write for them, I will create my own venue. In this next year I won’t be writing every day, and I won’t be writing so much about my own issues, instead, I will comment on what’s happening in the world. I am perpetually fascinated by what we are and are not doing around the globe, so why not discuss ad nauseam until even I am sick of my own opinions?

I am incredibly grateful to all of you who have read even one of my blogs and I’m pretty damn happy with myself for writing every day (we’ll ignore the five or so days I didn’t post on time). Still, it was a lot of work and there were many days I did not feel like writing anything at all, let alone something others could read. This year will be different. I’ll post only when I want to and it will give me time to consider my topics more carefully and even edit them for mistakes. I hope to engender more discussion and if you have not signed up to follow, you should really do so now.

In addition to this blog, I am starting a new one entitled “Ame’s Addictions” and in that blog I will write about things that I am obsessed with at the moment of publication. The topics will be more fun and in-depth. I’m hoping to use photography, interviews, quotes, and maybe even video. We’ll have to see how it goes. I definitely am never at a loss for words or topics to discuss/investigate so between these two blogs I should be able to come up with some at least partly interesting missives.

In the meantime, I think I am going to enjoy my weekend blog-free for once. Thanks to all of you who have read it, commented and emailed me privately. Your support and even your dissent means more to me than I can tell you. Until next blog, cheers.


1 comment:

  1. way to go woman! well done- I can say I have done anything 365 days in a row other than breath. I'm glad that you will keep writing.

    Since you are moving forward with more subject matter and enthusiasim, how about we update your blog platform to a posterous account. It's free and you can upload it from any device- phone, email, camel back sat phone...let's discuss.
