I don’t feel nearly 40. I don’t even feel 30 really. I’m not good at sending cards and gifts to people when they have babies, birthdays or weddings. I don’t like to clean my house. I don’t feel like almost 40 is supposed to feel—or what I perceive almost 40 to supposed to feel like. At 37, I still live pretty much the same way I did 10 years ago and I don’t mind that. I feel young, I don’t look too bad and the husband and I have a pretty fun life. Not feeling my age does not present a problem for me, except when it comes to the expectations of others.
Mom was the one who sent the gifts and cards and kept track of what was happening with everyone. Together, Jeff and I manage to remember everyone’s birthday usually within the correct month. We move so much and live in a perpetual state of half unpacked that there just doesn’t seem to be a lot of permanence. We take long weekends whenever we can, travel as much and far as we can afford and don’t really feel the need to put down roots. To us our life is fitting and although a bit chaotic, it works. To others we likely look forgetful, selfish and unconcerned. All true except for the last. We do care and we do want to be the kind of couple that remembers to send you a wedding gift or a happy baby whatever, the intentions are there, just not the follow through.
Ditto- only we have kids and still manage to vaca without them and go our quite regularly without them. I have seen too many couples divorce after the kids leave or be completely unhappy because their lives were wrapped around the kids. Don't get me wrong, we still go to all the games play outside with them and have a lot of fun together as a family but we do our time too. I feel way younger than my age too. We have also been jusged for our"selfishness." It's funny cause in just 10 short years all the kids will be out of the house and we will know what to do but just do it more often. While those judgemental friends are trying to figure out how to stay together and what to do.