If you don’t think what we eat affects how we feel emotionally, not just physically, then you’ve clearly never tried to give up sugar or caffeine. It has been a mere two days without any kind of refined sugar and this includes that “organic evaporated cane juice” that they try to sell you as healthy. I am cutting out my beloved Cherry Zero and any other source of caffeine as well. It’s only been two days and while the long-term benefits promise weight loss, less bloat, no headaches and eternal rainbows, the withdrawal process is making me want to be violent. Seriously, I am grumpy and annoyed and jonesing for dark chocolate to the point that I will sell the husband into the sex trade if I have to. When I have moments of clarity, like now, it makes me realize that if I am having such strong emotional withdrawal symptoms, then the chemical reaction of ingesting this stuff must be really nasty.
Maybe this moody, pessimistic woman I know myself to be is actually full of sunshine and unicorn magic, but I’ve been so clogged up with junk that my moods were chemically altered? What the hell are we putting into our bodies and who might we be if we didn’t? I’m not completely ready to live on nuts and berries, but if an sugar detox can make me happier and my stomach flatter I’m in! The big problem is that sugar is in EVERYTHING!!! Bread, soy or almond milk, peanut butter, twig-like cereal, pretty much anything that comes from a store and is not located in the produce section is going to have some form of refined sugar in it. Eating healthy is hard work and it’s pricey.
I’m willing to do the work. I can read labels, make special trips to the health food store, and even cook. The money thing, however, is rough. Good food costs major bucks. We need to be more aware as a society of what we are putting into our mouths. You think you’re buying something healthy, without realizing that it’s loaded with chemicals or sugar. Healthy, organic options will often use evaporated can sugar and it sounds healthy and unrefined, but it’s not. Raisin bran, which is high in fiber and protein, is also loaded with sugar. There is no reason to coat the raisins in sugar. They are already naturally sweet! Until we start demanding good food, we’re going to get cheap food and make no mistake, chemicals are way cheaper than whole foods. Even so, I find that I can no longer afford the lasting effects all this cheap food is causing.
I hope that what you are going through and what I am doing with my family is part of a global shift in consciousness. I've always been pessimistic when it comes to my choices. What's one more stop at BK for the kids? It's not even a blip in the sales of a single store, much less worth of 'saving a cow'. Butl now, while saying no to that stuff may indeed be a piss in the bucket, I'm going to go to the trouble to do it. Hopefully, as more of us say yes to compassion in our diets and lifestyles, more compassion will be spread throughout the world. What we eat does affect who we are. What the mind thinks, the body feels, and what the body eats, the mind becomes! I hope we can all find ways to eat less stressed out, antibiotic-filled dead flesh, and a lot less toxic mystery chemicals that preserve, color and sweeten our brains w/ insanity.