Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, well technically today is given that I’m writing this at 1am. Everyone has been updated their Facebook and Twitter feeds with blurbs about how thankful they are for family, friends, etc. It is rather lovely to see that even in this economically depressed time, filled with political upheaval, war and sickness people still recognize their good fortune. Still, I’m not one to state what I am thankful for in a yearly missive. It just does not feel genuine to me to suddenly be pious one day a year. There are plenty of things and people I am happy to have in my life, but I like to think I show it all year round, or at least don’t suddenly get sappy in a way that is out of character for me. Sure, I’m thankful, I have as much to be thankful for as anyone, but it’s kind of personal to put it out there, don’t you think?
We are all grateful for the loving relationships in our lives, roofs over our heads, food to eat, employment or at the very least sufficient income to pay the barest of essentials. I am more interested in what we don’t say. For instance, are you thankful that your pregnancy scare was a false alarm? Are you secretly happy you slept with him on the first date despite your protestations that you’re not that kind of girl? Does single malt scotch or a quality tequila make you want to believe in God? Perhaps you’re thankful for being a good liar, being attractive, having good skin, will power to not inhale a humonsterous bowl of mashed potato goodness?
It doesn’t take a genius to predict what will be thanked repeatedly this year all across the country, but it’s the lesser knowns that make it interesting. I, for one, am very thankful that I had a biological Mother would got knocked up at 19 and gave me to two pretty great people. I am grateful that I got to see at least two friends grow into adulthood and be happy before we grew apart. I give thanks for a husband who puts up with me despite some pretty big fuck-ups. I appreciate that my Pops nurtured my love of sports and for all the friendships I have made watching games over the years. I would be remiss if I did not also thank fate, nature or whatever universal force saw to it to make me the opinionated, self-aware, slightly crazy girl I’ve always been. I am thankful for my life and for finally learning to like myself just enough to make every day count.
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