Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 93: They Can't All Be Winners

September 1. This marks the three month anniversary of my blog! Every day for 92 days I have written about my experiences, goals, emotional states, fuck ups, and whatever else I could think of. On some levels I cannot imagine coming up with nine more months worth of material, but something tells me that I will find no shortage of material. I appreciate every one of you who has taken the time to read my blog, whether you read it every day, once a week or just once in a while. I know I don’t always edit and sometimes I write it when I am so drunk I don’t remember it the next day, but what can I say, they can’t all be winners.

The goal for me was always to simply be honest and to hopefully discover a few truths about myself along the way. I am learning and evolving, though not as dramatically or rapidly as I’d hoped. Life is a process and it’s one you cannot hurry or cheat. So I am looking forward to the next nine months and in growing as both a writer and a woman. I still have a lot of secrets and there are days when I have to fight not to write about them and other days when I think maybe I hit “publish” too soon.

One thing I know for sure, I am going to keep revealing, criticizing, questioning and confessing. As my style develops and my topics become more interesting I hope you will stick around with me. I always appreciate hearing from all of you who read or have read me, and I do take your comments to heart even if I don’t respond.

Thanks again for embarking on this journey with me and for not judging. I am the first to tell you I am flawed and judgmental. I like to be right, but am often wrong. If you don’t like one of my blogs or agree with my topic, give it a day, you might change your tune with the next one.



  1. Uh, was that supposed to be September, 1? Not being critical, just trying to find out if I have a month's worth of reading to catch up on. - Joel

  2. Damn. Not having a job really wreaks havoc on my abilities to negotiate a calendar. Thanks for the head's up, I will change it! I did ask someone the date the other day and when they told me, I then said "but what month" and got a slightly critical look in response.
