Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 149: At Least Mom Wouldn't Laugh at Me

Why is it when we are sick, no matter how old me might be, we still want our Moms? I trust that you are of average to superior intelligence and therefore can infer from the previous line that I am feeling slightly to incredibly under the weather. I do not get sick often, but when I do, I am of the horrifically ugly, incompetent, hazy, mucous laden, grumpy and whiny. You would think this makes the husband something of a saint for putting up with me, but that delicate flower is the one who picks up every illness known to man and brings it home to me. I get sick on my own maybe once a year, but with the strong, macho Army husband around, I end up sick whenever he ventures out in public and brings back the sniffles.

So it is with great disappointment that I currently find myself about 12 hours into some sure to be nasty and prolonged illness that I’ve contracted on my own. Sadly, I have neither my husband, nor my Mother to whine and nag into bringing hot tea and juice and OTC meds. I do not remember being such a baby about illness ten years ago. On the contrary, I worked through it and rarely popped so much as a Tylenol, but these days I am worse than a toddler or your husband.

The only positive that comes from an extended illness is a lack of appetite. I figure if I’m going to feel like crap I might as well lose a couple of pounds. I had food poisoning to such an extent that I actually fainted in my husband’s arms as he was helping me from bathroom to the bedroom. The sickness part sucked, but I lost six pounds in two days. I’m still a girl, so I kinda think it was worth it. This time around, I happen to be sick just as I’ve got two jobs to work on, and several projects in the works. In addition, my body’s desire to remain soft and squishy despite my best efforts to slim and tone, I have a work out related injury.

Perhaps you’ve heard of the IT band? No? Well that let me educate you. The IT band is a thick band of tissue that runs from the hip down to the knee. Some excessive running of sprints has caused severe pain on my right side. I took five days off and tied again today, toughing it out for 45 minutes before doing what I would consider to be a fairly graceful fall off the treadmill. Thankfully, some time in the steam room loosened me up enough to put my heels back on and limp to the car. So here I am, some sort of upper respiratory perched for a takeover of my body and a right leg that only hurts if I move it. I’m not sure Mom can help, but at least I know she wouldn’t make fun of me for that whole treadmill incident.

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